watch video in HD Garda Trentino Trail UTMB Qualifying race 2019 CHECK OUT OUR LATEST NEWS

Edition 9
16th - 17th- 18th May 2025


Tenno Trail

The first race in the Alto Garda



30 Km

Difference in altitude

1600m D+

Time limit

7 hours

Start/Arrival point

Arco (90m s.l.m)

starting time: 11:00 a.m.


Ville – by 13:30

Aid station


Highest point

1.079m s.l.m. Bocca di Tovo

Relevance landscaping points:

Tenno, Borgo Canale medieval village, Tenno lake, Bocca di Tovo summit, Olivaia di Arco.

Altimetria Tenno Trail


EXPO (Piazza delle canoniche, Arco)
  • Friday 16/5 from 11:00 to 20:00
    Saturday 17/5 from 9:00 to 20:00
    Sunday 18/5 from 9:00 to 13:00
BAGS DEPOSIT (Viale delle Palme, Casinò di Arco)
  • Only for Garda Trentino Trail Extra
    Friday 16/5 from 09:00 to 11:00

    Friday 16/5 from 16:00 to 21:00
    Saturday 17/5: from 5:00 to 11:00

    Sunday 18/5 (only Garda trentino run): from 8:00 to 10:00
BIBS COLLECTION (Viale delle Magnolie, Casinò di Arco) and GOODIE BAG (Piazza delle canoniche, Arco)
  • Only for Garda Trentino Trail Extra
    Friday 16/5 from 09:00 to 11:00
    (goodie bag will be provided only for this race together with the bib)

    For Garda Trentino Trail, Ledro Trail and Tenno Trail

    Friday 16/5 from 16:00 to 21:00

    Saturday 17/5
    from 5:30 to 7:00 for Garda Trentino Trail
    from 6:30 to 8:45 for Ledro Trail
    from 8:00 to 10:45 for Tenno Trail

    Sunday 18/5: from 8:00 to 10:00 only for GTT Run


Start: Arco's Castle
Arrival: Arco Piazzale Segantini
Start: at 12:00 on Friday May 16th
Arrival: by 14:00 on Sunday May 18th
  • - At 11:00 Briefing and GPS tracker check
    - At 12:00 Start Garda Trentino Trail Extra


Start/ arrival: Riva del Garda, Piazza III Novembre - Arco Piazzale Segantini

Shuttle bus: service will be available only on May 17th morning, before the race, from Arco to the start in Riva
Shuttle bus departures from Arco to Riva: at 7:10
  • - At 7:30 bibs check-in in Riva
    - At 7:45 Briefing
    - At 8:00 Start Garda Trentino Trail

LEDRO TRAIL Saturday May 17th
Start: Pieve
Arrival: Piazzale Segantini (Arco)
Shuttle bus: service will be available only on May 17th morning, before the race, from Arco to the start in Ledro
Shuttle bus departures from Arco to Ledro: at 9:00
  • - At 10:00 bibs check-in
    - At 10:15 Briefing
    - At 10:30 Start Ledro Trail

TENNO TRAIL Saturday May 17th
Start/ arrival: Arco, Piazzale Segantini
  • - At 10:30 bibs check-in
    - At 10:45 Briefing
    - At 11:00 Start Tenno Trail

Garda Trentino Trail, Ledro Trail, Tenno Trail,
Piazzale Segantini, Arco
  • Award ceremony: 17:00


Start/ arrival:Arco, Piazzale Segantini
  • - At 9:30 bibs check-in
    - At 9:45 Briefing
    - At 10:00 Start Garda Trentino Run

    - ore 12:00 Award ceremony
    - ore 15:00 - 15:30 - End of event

Garda Trentino Trail Extra, Garda Trentino Run
Piazzale Segantini, Arco
  • Award ceremony: 12:00

Rules Book

Art. 1

The amateur sports association Garda Trentino Trail is organizing the Ultra Trail Running event (long-distance cross-country races) called 'Garda Trentino Trail' (5 races), on Friday 16th-Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th May 2025.

Art. 2 - Acceptance of the Rules

The Garda Trentino Trail will be run conforming to the rules stated herein, with any necessary modifications published on the Official Web Site: Participation in the Garda Trentino Trail is permitted, only if the enrolled competitors agree to comply with all the rules stipulated, without any reservations. Furthermore, the competitors are required to respect the Highway Code, with particular attention to the normal road safety regulations, as the roads will not be closed to traffic on the race day. As all enrolled competitors must commit to respect these stated rules the organization is free of any responsibility (civil or criminal) for any damages, either to person or property as a result of, or caused by, not adhering to the rules during this event.

Art. 3 The Race

The race is on foot, in a natural environment, along paths, mule tracks and cart roads in the Ledro Alps and Garda, with departures in Riva del Garda (TN) and in Arco (TN). The planned route includes pathways classified CAI T (Tourist level), E (Excursion level) and EE (Expert Excursion level), having an altimetric measure of between 70 meters asl (above sea level) and 2000 meters asl.
The event involves 5 races with race start:
From Friday 16 to Sunday 18th May 2025
- Garda Trentino Trail Extra, a course of c.150 km, with a real height difference of about 10.000 meters. Race departure from Arco on Friday 16th May 2025, with arrival in Arco (TN)
- Garda Trentino Trail Extra 100, a course of c.100 km, with a real height difference of about 7.000 meters. Race departure from Arco on Friday 16th May 2025, with arrival in Arco (TN)
on Saturday 17th May 2025:
- Garda Trentino Trail, a course of c.62 km, with a real height difference of about 3800 meters. Race departure from Riva del Garda with arrival in Arco (TN)
- Ledro Trail, a course of c. 44 km with a real height difference of about 2400 meters. Race departure from Ledro with arrival in Arco (TN)
- Tenno Trail, a course of c. 30 km with a real height difference of about 1500 meters. Race departure from Arco with arrival in Arco (TN)
on Sunday 18th May 2025:
- Garda Trentino Castle Run, a course of c. 12 km with a height difference of 700 meters. Race departure from Arco with arrival in Arco (TN)

Art. 4 Participation.

All races are open to all men and women who have their 18th birthday prior to the race date.Those who cannot show a valid membership card recognized in Italy (such as FIDAL, EPS, RUNCARD,...) or affiliated to World Athletics will be required to pay upon the registration an extra price of 5 Euro for the membership valid in Italy that will be provided by us.

All races are open to all men and women who have their 18th birthday prior to the race date. Those who cannot show a valid membership card recognized in Italy (such as FIDAL, EPS, RUNCARD,...) or affiliated to World Athletics will be required to pay upon the registration an extra price of 5 Euro for the membership valid in Italy that will be provided by us.

Having said this, it is important to appreciate that the race includes some very difficult paths that under certain weather conditions (wind, low temperatures, rain and snow) could challenge the inexperienced runner. A careful training, previous excursion experience and a real ability to be personally independent are indispensable. Before enrolling on the Garda Trentino Trail, you are strongly advised to have previously participated on other Ultra Trails in Alpine environments. registration s will not be accepted from any athletes previously disqualified for doping in any discipline..

Art. 5 Partial Self-Sufficiency

The competition is partially self-sufficient in water and nourishment. Some refreshment points are on the route to provide the runners with food and drinkable water. Plastic cups will not be available at any refreshment point. The runners must equip themselves with suitable water containers. On leaving a refreshment point each runner must ensure that they have at least the official minimum quantity of water with them, and sufficient nourishment required to reach the subsequent refreshment point. Personal assistance along the route is forbidden and will only be available at the refreshment points. It is forbidden to be accompanied by anyone not formally enrolled in the race.

Art. 6 Registration/documents required

Registration opens on July 1st 2024 and officially closes at midnight of 13th May 2025.
Only for Garda Trentino Trail EXTRA 100 and Castle Run, registration will open on November 30th 2024 and officially closes at midnight of 13th May 2025.
However, the registration will close earlier if the number of registrations reaches 1950, inclusive of Garda Trentino Trail Extra (100), Garda Trentino Trail Extra 100 (100), Garda Trentino Trail (550), Ledro Trail (400), Tenno Trail Trail (500) and Garda Trentino Trail (300).

The organization reserves the right to allocate 'Wild Cards' at their discretion.

Registration should be done on-line using the appropriate link on the official internet website

Documents needed to finalize the registration:
It is mandatory to provide a medical certificate/Health form that must fulfill the following criteria:
- It must be said that the physical conditions of the athlete are such as to allow participation in competitive sports competitions in athletics
- In order to finalize your registration, please upload your Health Form/Medical certificate in the registration area in Datasport at the registration step. In case it may be available later after the registration, the certificate shall be sent to no later than 26th April 2025.
From 27th April, any certificate should be handed over to the organization directly at bib pick up in PAPER COPY. .
- - Please use only the attached draft here Documents sent directly to the organization will not be considered.

In cases where a competitor has not supplied a medical certificate or the said has not the specific indication that the athlete “can practice competitive Athletics sport activity” (see draft for medical certificate in our website, download area), the race number bib will not be allocated and the competitor will not be permitted to take part in the race, without any rights to a refund of their registration fee.

In cases where a competitor has not supplied a medical certificate the race number bib will not be allocated and the competitor will not be permitted to take part in the race, without any rights to a refund of their registration fee.

A dedicated event will be held only on Friday 29th November 2024, with a “Black Friday” promotion with a limited number of bibs available at discounted price. From November 30th, prices will be as per point no. 7 of this document.

Art. 7 Registration fees

- From 01.07.2024 to 31.01.2025 € 150.00
- From 01.02.2025 to 13.05.2025 € 170.00

- From 30.11.2024 to 31.01.2025 € 100.00
- From 01.02.2025 to 13.05.2025 € 120.00

- From 01.07.2024 to 31.10.2024 € 60.00
- From 01.11.2024 to 31.01.2025 € 65.00
- From 01.02.2025 to 13.05.2025 € 70.00
Shuttle bus service from Arco to the race start available with mandatory booking and payment of 5 Euro (not refundable). Single bus trip at 7:00.

- From 01.07.2024 to 31.01.2025 € 45.00
- From 01.02.2025 to 13.05.2025 € 50.00

Shuttle bus service from Arco to the race start available with mandatory booking and payment of 5 Euro (not refundable). Single bus trip at 9:00.
- From 01.07.2024 to 31.01.2025 € 35.00
- From 01.02.2025 to 13.05.2025 € 40.00

- From 30.11.2024 to 13.05.2025 € 25.00

Extra price for daily membership cards (5 Euro) Enrollment payment includes all the services as described in the rules herein. Arrival Buffet, all assistance, race provisions, possible transport requirements to return to base in case of injury, prize for finishing, final “pasta party” and race packet. For Garda Trentino Castle Run race, no pasta party/race packet will be provided (prize for finishing will be in any case provided)

Art. 8 Refund of registration Fee.

There are no reasons foreseen for any refund of the registration fee. Only in case of sold-out of the competition at which the person has enrolled and in the presence of another person in the waiting list, 100% of the fee will be refunded. It is also possible to change the distance /name of the competitor on an already bought race number bib within the deadline of 01.05.2025, with an additional fee of 5 Euro.

Art. 9 Compulsory Equipment and Accessories

Remark: mandatory equipment for “Garda Trentino Trail EXTRA” is listed in the dedicated additional regulation at the bottom of these pages. On registration, all runners give a written undertaking to carry with them, throughout the race, all the specified compulsory material, punishable by disqualification. The runners can be checked at any point during the race – at the start, at random during the race and on arrival at the finish - with the race number bib confiscated should they be without any of the following compulsory material (Garda Trentino Trail, Ledro Trail, Tenno Trail):
- Working headlamp with spare battery (only for Garda Trentino Trail and Ledro Trail)
- Water container or flask to contain a minimum of 1 lt.
- Thermic survival sheet
- Whistle
- Wind-jacket suitable for bad mountain weather conditions
- Personal cup (minimum capacity: 150 cc), or suitable large flask lid to be used as a cup
- Mobile telephone (with the organization’s emergency number inserted, without the 'hiding number' function and with a fully charged battery)

NO mandatory equipment for Garda Trentino Run
The use of poles is forbidden throughout the entire race Garda Trentino Castle Run
The organizers reserve the right to eventually add to the mandatory material warm and waterproof clothes in case of rain or forecasts of cold weather (gloves, hat, long sleeved top, trousers at ¾ length and specific features about the jacket, communicating this on and in the briefing before the race).

Equipment and material strongly recommended:
- Trail running shoes
- Course map (published on the website)
- warm clothing, indispensable in case of cold weather

The runner's water container must contain at least 1 liter of water at the competition start and on leaving any of the refreshment points. Those wishing to use walking sticks, may do so - though runners must always keep the sticks with them, throughout the race. Participation in the campaign “I don't throw away my rubbish irresponsibly”. The race is run in a natural environment, an ecosystem, completely protected. Athletes, on risk of disqualification, must respect the area and behave accordingly, avoiding discarding any rubbish, picking flowers or damaging the fauna. The event adheres to the campaign launched by Spiritotrail ( “I don't throw away my rubbish irresponsibly” concerning the environment and conservation of nature.

Art. 10 Race Number Bib

Each race number bib is individually given to every competitor on the presentation of an identity document with a photo. No race number bib may be given without a copy of a medical certificate. The race number bib must be worn on the chest or stomach and must be always clearly visible during the race. It must be outside of the clothing and on no account be fixed elsewhere. Before the start, each runner must pass the entry gate into the closed off section to register for the start. From passing a control point to finishing, the runner must be sure to have registered properly. Official stamping is essential, since the verification between two successive controls ensures there aren't any missing competitors. Omitting to register, could lead to a search of a runner, in which case all costs incurred will have to be met by the said runner. The race number bib is the necessary passkey to get on board the shuttle, bus, enter the refreshment areas, showers, etc.

Art. 11 Security and medical assistance

In agreement with refreshment relief is set up an emergency call area. These posts are connected via radio or telephone to the Race Management. There will be an ambulance from the territory, as well as civil and medical protection. The emergency points are available to assist anyone in danger with the appropriate methods of transport owned by the organization or in combination with conventional assistance. Medical officials have the authority to suspend runners judged to be unfit to continue in the race. The emergency helpers are authorized to evacuate with all methods available any runners in danger. In case of necessity, for the reason of personal safety and with the exclusive judgement of the organization, official emergency help will be called, and every appropriate method of assistance used, including a helicopter. The costs involved in using these extreme means of assistance will be charged to the person assisted, according to the regulations in force. A runner, by calling a doctor or for emergency help is in turn, agreeing to abide by and respect the medical decision and their authority.

Art. 12 Control and Refreshment Points

The competitors are surveyed in all refreshment and control points. Only runners wearing clearly visible race number bib have access to refreshment points. The course altitude profile published on the website:, will identify the aid stations and timegates. he 'random' control points will be positioned in different places outside of the emergency and refreshment points. The organization will not give out information on their whereabouts.

Art. 13 Maximum time authorized and Gate timetables

The maximum time to complete the whole course is as follows:
- Garda Trentino Trail EXTRA: 50 hours
- Garda Trentino Trail EXTRA 100: 41,5 hours
- Garda Trentino Trail: 14 hours
- Ledro Trail: 9,5 hours,
- Tenno Trail: 7 hours,
- Garda Trentino Castle Run: 3 hours.
The time limits for starting (Gate timetables) of the main control points will be defined and indicated on the course map. These gates are calculated to allow the participants to reach them in the maximum time, considering also stopping (to rest, eat something...). To be authorized to continue the race, the competitors must restart from the control points before the fixed time limit. In case of being outside the time the runner will be disqualified and the race number bib confiscated. The runner is permitted to continue without the race number bib outside of the competition assuming all responsibility and consequences that may avail. In case of bad weather conditions and/or for reasons of safety, the organization reserve the right to suspend the race being run, delay the start, change the course, modify the gate timetables or cancel the competition, without any prior notice.

Art. 14 Abandonment and re-entry

In the case of abandoning the race whilst on the course, the competitor is obliged to communicate their leaving the race, by registering their withdrawal by radio at the nearest control point; the organization will take note of the withdrawal at the relevant control post and at the base in Arco (TN); re-entry is not guaranteed if outside of the control post except in the case of injury. In the case of a runner not advising of their withdrawal and costs being incurred through subsequent searching for the said runner, any costs incurred will be charged to them.

Art. 15 Assistance in the race/ accompaniment/pets

Assistance during the race is granted only at official refreshment points. Family/team members or any other supporters must not in any way hinder the passage of the other athletes and the normal course of the race. Accompaniment during the race is prohibited. It is forbidden to benefit from external aid outside the pre-established areas (that is, refreshment points). Dogs or other pets are not allowed.

Art. 16 Assistance in the race/ accompaniment/pets

The competitors not found in possession of any element of the compulsory material will be disqualified immediately, without any possibility or rights to dispute this decision. Any irregularity picked up through the surveillance using video images by the organization after the race could result in disqualification. The judges of the race in the following art. 17 have the authority to disqualify a competitor, in the case of severe breaking of the rules with special attention to:
- race number bib not worn correctly
- exchanging of race number bib
- missing proof of passing through a control point
- missing a part of or missing totally something from the list of compulsory material
- using any form of transport
- leaving a control point outside the gate times
- doping or refusing to undergo an anti-doping test
- not helping or giving assistance to a fellow competitor in difficulty
- having personal assistance outside the approved areas
- discarding personal material during the course
- lack of respect for the prohibition of being accompanied on the course
- throwing rubbish away on the course
- polluting or damaging the area by either the competitor or their staff
- insulting, rudeness or threatening behaviour towards a member of the organization or volunteers
- refusing medical assistance by the organisation at any time during the race

Art. 17 Complaints.

Written complaints may be made within 30 minutes following the posting of the provisional results, with a €50.00 caution.

Art. 18 The Panel of Judges.

The panel consists of
- Course Director
- The person responsible for the course
- The person responsible for the safety and security
- Members of the organisation involved and requested by the Course Director

The panel has the authority to deliberate in a compatible time with the obligations of the course about all disagreements or disqualifications arising during the race. The decisions are final and without recourse.

Art. 19 Modifications to the course or Gate timetables – cancellation of the Competition

The organization reserves the right to modify at any moment, the course or the location of the emergency or refreshment points, without prior notice. In the case of adverse weather conditions or for other motives not dependent upon the organization and that put at risk the security or safety of the competitors, the start may be delayed or cancelled. The route may be modified or shortened; the race could be stopped at any moment. The aforesaid modifications will be made by the panel of judges, taking into account the opinion of those responsible for security, safety and medical equipment. The modification, suspension or cancellation of the course does not give the competitors any right to a refund of the enrollment fee.

Art. 20 Course Route Map

The geographic map of the course, in its most up to date form will be available on the official internet site Each amendment on the course map will be published on the official website

Art. 21 Insurance.

The organization underwrites an insurance of civil responsibility for the whole period of the competition. The participation is completely under the responsibility of the competitors, the organization renounce any obligation or responsibility for claims against them in the case of damage or consequences that may arise following the competition. At the moment of enrolling, the runner must undersign that they free the organization of any responsibility.

Art. 22 Classification and Prizes

Only those competitors who complete the course and register their arrival at the finishing post in Arco, will be inserted in the classification. Every runner will be given a 'finisher' prize. A final general classification will be written of men and women participating in all 4 races – GTT, Ledro Trail, Tenno Trailand GTT Run. A trophy and products will be given to the first 3 classified males and the first 3 classified females of each of the three races.

Art. 23 Picture Rights

Every competitor expressly renounces the right to the pictures taken during the race and so renounce any action against the organization and its partners to use these images. The addition of further modifications will be posted on the page “news” on the website

Art. 24 Miscellaneous

As far as not covered, please refer to the specific regulations and other rules issued by the World Athletics on athletics events.


Garda Trentino Trail Extra 150, a race with length of 160km and approx. 10.000d+ with start and arrival in Arco (TN).
Garda Trentino Trail Extra 100, a race with length of 100km and approx. 7.000d+ with start and arrival in Arco (TN).
Enrolled athletes will receive a 1st preliminary gps track by December 25th 204 and the final version will be provided by May 1st 2025 or in the days immediately before departure in case the weather conditions, the route or other necessities not dependent on the organization may require it.

The route will NOT be in any way marked with slings or arrows. Athletes shall use their own device and follow the GPX track provided

Information will be provided about the location of the 3 main aid stations to which personal bags can be sent and all the high-altitude support points that can be opened and offer hospitality to athletes (shelters, bivouacs or other). Athletes, equipped with own gps tracker will be constantly monitored by the race base of Arco for the duration of the event to prevent any change of route, whether voluntary or not.

Athletes must be aware that no logistical support will be provided by the organization outside of the life-base points and that participation in such a challenging race in complete autonomy is under the personal evaluation of their psycho-abilities physical and training. Any impediment along the route can be reported to the race base through the athlete’s mobile phone that will activate all the necessary operations. We point out that, given the length of the track and the possibility to be often “alone” along the track, even if it is impossible to continue, it is of fundamental importance to use the obligatory equipment and find protection in safe places that can serve as a shelter waiting for rescue.

For participation in the Extra distance no specific points obtained in other events are required but an important knowledge of the mountain in all its aspects is necessary, as follows:
- ability to sustain a prolonged effort and in rough terrain possibly even in adverse weather conditions;
- sleep and running management skills at night. Some athletes may stay out 2 nights;
- ability to read GPS instrument and orientation in the mountains even at night and with adverse weather conditions.


Along the route will be set up 3 main aid stations (EXTRA 150) and 2 main aid stations (EXTRA 100) with a minimum availability of food, liquids, toilets and cots for the eventual rest.
All Aid stations are passages control posts. The runner is obliged to ensure that he has been regularly registered both on entry and exit. Failure to detect the passage determines the disqualification.

EXTRA 150 – the 3 Aid stations are indicated on the final GPX track provided by the organization and will be located at
- Mori (approx km 55)
- Nago-Torbole (approx km 80)
- Ledro(approx 125 km)
EXTRA 100 – the 2 Aid stations are indicated on the final GPX track provided by the organization and will be located at
- Nago-Torbole (approx km 29)
- Ledro (approx km 72)
It is strictly forbidden to sleep in facilities/ shelters/ vehicles outside the points controlled by the organization.


The organization reserves the right to add "essential" refreshments (only food and liquids, no personal bag, no rest points). Info and details will be provided later.
It will also be possible to make use of the refreshment’s points (only food and liquids) of the race held on Saturday 17/5/2025 (GardaTrentinoTrail) available only during the race and starting from km 95 approx, i.e:
- Bocca Larici - 95 km: from 8:00 to 10:00
- Rifugio Pernici - 127 km: from 11:00 to 15:00
- Treni - 144 km : from 12:30 to 19:30
The following mountain shelters will be available on the way as support only in their opening hours:
- Rif. P. Marchetti (2.012m), 35km
- Rif. D. Chiesa all’Altissimo (2.060m), 70km
- Rif. Pernici a Bocca di Trat (1.600m), 127km
It will also be possible to make use of the refreshment’s points (only food and liquids) of the race held on Saturday 17/5/2025 (GardaTrentinoTrail) available only during the race, i.e:
- Bocca Larici - 45 km: from 8:00 to 10:00
- Rifugio Pernici - 76 km: from 11:00 to 15:00
- Treni - 92 km : from 12:30 to 19:30
The following mountain shelters will be available on the way as support only in their opening hours:
- Rif. Pernici a Bocca di Trat (1.600m), 76km


At the race-bib distribution 1 bag will be provided to each competitor for the material necessary for the safe management of the race; the bag will be moved along the 3 aid stations by the organization. It is also possible to leave an additional bag (bag at charge of the athlete) at the deposit bags in Arco on Friday before the race start.
The competitor is obliged to personally collect the bag at the entrance of the aid stations and return it personally at the exit to the volunteers of the withdrawal bags.
In case of withdrawal of the runner the bag will be brought on arrival in Arco, where it can be picked up on presentation of the bib. It is not possible to ensure that, in case of withdrawal or arrival of the competitor, the runner’s bags is already available in Arco.
The aid stations volunteers are not responsible for the missing bags.
Bags with objects attached externally will not be carried. It is recommended not to put fragile or valuable objects in the bags. The organization does not assume responsibility for items that may be lost or damaged during transport.


For Garda Trentino Trail Extra 150, the withdrawal will be possible only at the time gate of loc. “La Bassa/ Madonnina" and in the 3 Aid stations.
For Garda Trentino Trail Extra 100, the withdrawal will be possible only in the 2 Aid stations.
Outside these points, assistance can only be provided in situations of health demand. It further underlines the need to make a thorough assessment of their abilities (even during the race itself), which will reasonably allow the athlete to reach independently the next point of withdrawal. The recovery of athletes outside the withdrawal points would inevitably require very long waiting times and objective logistical difficulties at the expense of the athlete himself.


Assistance to athletes can only be provided:
- In the 3 aid stations


Each runner is provided with a GPS tracker to be placed at the top of the backpack and NOT at the bottom or inside clothing that may affect the transmission of data and returned on arrival at the race control unit area at the arrival. Each runner is provided with a GPS tracker to be attached to the backpack and returned on arrival. A deposit of € 150,00 is required and will not be returned in case of no return of the tracker.
The GPS tracker allows the public to view the progression of the runner on an interactive map.
It is up to the runner to turn on and verify the operation and charging before the start and at the exit from each control point, following the instructions provided by the organization.


A week before the race will be made available to all participants an online briefing in which will be presented the final map of the route, the final track and those with variants for bad weather and in which will be given all the useful information on race management.
It is mandatory to attend the briefing. The modalities of participation will be communicated by email in early May. Not participating in the live briefing or not displaying the registration will NOT allow the athlete to receive the bib and the tracker that will be the “entry pass” to participation in the race.


Garda Trentino Trail Extra 150: Race will start at 12.30 on Friday May 16th 2025.
Garda Trentino Trail Extra 100: Race will start at 21.00 on Friday May 16th 2025.


Garda Trentino Trail Extra 150: the maximum time to complete the test is set at 50 hours.
Scheduled time gate are:
• Loc. La Bassa “Madonnina” approx.. at km 37m, within 9,5 hours from the race departure (by 21:30 on May 16th)
• aid station of MORI, approx. at km 55, within 14 hours from the race departure (by 2:00 on May 17th)
• aid station of LEDRO, km 125, by 01:00 on May 18th

Garda Trentino Trail Extra 100: the maximum time to complete the test is set at 41,5 hours.
Scheduled time gate are:
• aid station of MORI, approx. at km 29, within 10 hours from the race departure (by 7:00 on May 17th)
• aid station of LEDRO, km 72, within 27,5 hours from race departure (by 01:30 on May 18th)


Obligation to carry the equipment throughout all the race:
- water supply (1 liter from the aid stations)
- head- lamp with spare batteries
- shell, cap/hat, gloves, trousers ¾
- thermal curtain
- whistle
- mobile phone, GPS, power bank
- long sleeve thermal T-shirt
- personal cup